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수질 분석 장비

Water Analytics Spectroquant prove 100 I 300 I 600

  •  Prove 100


Waste Water Analysis

Smart VIS Spectrophotometerfor Routine Applications

Prove 100은 가격 대비 성능비가 우수하며, 일상적인 업무에서 광범위하게 사용될 수 있는 장비로, 가시광선영역(Vis)에서만 사용 가능합니다.

Spectroquant® Prove 100 is a highly capable yet economical VIS spectrophotometer developed for fast, easy and secure use in routine applications such as waste water testing. It allows direct insertion of cell tests and is preprogrammed for our broad range of Spectroquant® cell test kits. Just add the waste water sample, insert the cell and read the results.

  •  Prove 300


Drinking Water & Beverage Analysis

Robust UV/VIS Spectrophotometer for Measurements

Prove 300은 제논 램프를 사용하며, 측정빈도수가 높은 경우 사용하기에 적합합니다. ​또한 자외선(UV)가 가시광선(Vis) 영역에서 측정 가능하기 때문에 보다 복잡하고 유동적인 분석에 적합합니다.

Spectroquant® Prove 300 is an incredibly robust UV/VIS spectrophotometer, optimized for sensitive measurements such as the analysis of drinking water and beverages. Programmed for over 180 reagent tests and free methods, capable of both UV and VIS measurements, and equipped with a long-lasting xenon lamp, Prove 300 is the ideal tool for rapid, reliable results.

  •  Prove 600


Process Water Analysis

Powerful UV/VIS Spectrophotometer for Complex Analyses

Prove 600은 콤팩트한 사이즈로 디자인 안에, 최상의 자외선(UV)과 가시광선(Vis) 광학과 최대 100mm cuvett까지 사용 가능하며 향상된 해상도와 감도를 제공합니다. 어떠한 복잡하고 연속적인 측정도 완벽하게 분석할 수 있습니다.

Spectroquant® Prove 600 is a powerful UV/VIS spectrophotometer designed for process water analysis. Offering high-resolution optics with cuvettes of up to 100 mm, the compact device is perfect for complex kinetics or spectral measurements. Prove 600 is preprogrammed for the most sensitive silicate and chloride tests, so you can detect the lowest analyte concentrations, and avoid damages to cooling and boiler water systems.

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